Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Importance of Accreditation

If you've been investigating potential  online colleges, you know you have a good number of choices. Some are better than others. So how do you tell the difference? The single most important factor in choosing an online college, or any college, is to find out if that college is accredited.

Accreditation affects your education in many ways. It will affect your ability to earn an advanced degree, and it will affect your chances of getting that first job fresh out of college.

What is Accreditation?
Websters Dictionary defines accreditation as:
" to recognize (an educational institution) as maintaining standards that qualify the graduates for admission to higher or more specialized institutions or for professional practice."

Those schools that have been accredited through legitimate accreditation agencies provide an independent review of educational institutions. Accreditation provides the student and employers with assurance that this is a legitimate institution with experienced and qualified professors, and functions as a legitimate organization.

Beware of Diploma Mills
While not all online schools that don't have accreditation can be defined as a diploma mill, the lack of accreditation will greatly hurt your opportunities in the future as you further your education or seek employment after graduation. Diploma mills will disguise themselves as legitimate schools but their diplomas are worthless. They will not hold the student responsible for their past academic history and will apply life experiences to credits earned. They are only interested in your money and not reputation. Often, they will allow the student to purchase high honors for their diploma. If an online school promises you an impossibly easy degree in a time period that is unreasonably short, and has no accrediting agency, or one that is made up (yes, you do have to investigate their accrediting agencies), you can be certain that you are looking at a diploma mill. Avoid them like the plague!

Benefits of Online Schooling
If you're about to choose between a traditional college campus, and a qualified online school, you'll need to consider many factors. While there are many advantages to an online education, there are also a few disadvantages you'll need to be aware of. 

Whatever your choice, you'll make better choices in education when you've done your homework.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Government Greed

The next time you hear Leftists talk about the "greed" of the oil companies, you'll want to keep this in mind. Out of every dollar spent on the price of gas, only a couple pennies go back to the oil companies in the form of profit. THEY did the work. THEY got it out of the ground and refined it. And they make PENNIES for their effort.

The stat governments, in their greed, swoop in and TAKE nearly half of every dollar (some states take more than half), to line the pockets of greedy bureaucrats.

Americans need to understand WHO their real enemies are and stop being swayed by demagogic politicians.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Quiet Revolution in Higher Education

The college system in the USA is astonishingly large: 18.5 million college students are enrolled in 2,421 four-year institutions. Those Americans with a 4 year bachelor’s degree is at an all-time high today. This means these students will earn a lifetime income substantially higher than those not having taken advantage of the American college education system.

But the very existence of the college educational system is at risk due to the massive open online course, or MOOC, offered by the giants of education such as Harvard, Stanford and MIT. In a recent essay, Clay Shirky compared today's colleges and MOOCs to record companies and Napster. Like the record companies of old, they provide a commodity that is  inconvenient and local that could be better provided to the comfort of your home over the internet. Learn More about the advantages. While I cannot agree with the essay in its entirety, but Shirky is correct in pointing out that the college industry is actually comprised of several diverse markets. each of these markets will be affected in different ways, but they will all be affected.

American higher education is undergoing a revolution. Online education will continue to take an ever growing chunk of the college market. The traditional college classroom will be forced to compete. In the end, the student will benefit when the traditional college is forced to compete.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Free eBook of Free Online Classes

If you've been thinking about taking online classes, whether for college credit or just to see if this form of education suites you, there are literally hundreds of free classes you can take from major colleges and universities.

These specific classes are not intended for college credit, though there are ways you can get credit for them.

If this seem like something that might interest you, there is a free ebook you can download from

The ebook is in PDF format, and contains links to hundreds of online classes you can take for free. The download is free and you don't have to sign up or opt-in.

If you've been thinking about online college classes, this is a great way to get your feet wet and see if it's right for you. Online College Classes

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How to Take Online Classes

Some students struggle in online courses while others thrive. Why does this occur? Are online courses harder than classroom courses? Many would say no. But, it is all about how you learn, your time management skills, and how you are able to work in a group environment that can determine your success. We are going to touch on some important tips students should be aware of if they are about to take an online course.
Depending on where you are in your career and your education level you should know what kind of learner you are. Are you a visual learner? Do you need to read something three or four times before you comprehend it? Or, can you hear it once and retain the information? If you need to see something or even write it yourself, you need to allocate extra time if you are in an online class. The good thing is, most online classes consist of videos, articles, podcasts, and papers. So online learning may actually be easier than listening to a live lecture. You are able to rewind the videos and re-read the articles at your convenience. Don't be scared to ask your professor for additional resources or time if you are struggling in a class. They are there to support your learning.
Logging in and doing your homework is half the battle! In most online classes participation is at least 30% of your overall grade. So make sure to know when your discussion board postings are due and do a good job on them! This is a very easy way to accumulate 300 points. Also, you should have your syllabus from day one, so if you see a big paper due in week three don't be scared to work ahead. There is no problem if you want to start doing some research and outlining your paper. It is better to be prepared than to have to cram everything into one week.
Group assignments are very common in online degree programs. You may not have one in every class, but you will probably encounter some during the program. Communicate through email, Skype, and discussion boards as much as possible. Make sure everyone in the group knows their role and when their part of the assignment is due. Group work can take up a lot of time so make sure to plan accordingly. If your group is not working out for whatever reason, make sure to contact your professor immediately.
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Free Education? Yes, It IS Possible

How would you like an advanced education from a prestigious university? Many people believe they will receive an inferior education from online schools, but this is simply not true. Whatever the area of study, you'll you can find an online class taught by those who know the field as an expert. Not only can you find an online class, you can find them free to see if it's for you.

The requirements necessary for admission to an online school are typically less than that of a traditional program. You'll still need a high school diploma or its equivalent. And you'll need to be at least 18 years old. If you don't have the income necessary to afford a traditional college, or you are an older adult with career and family concerns, an online school is a good option for you.

But, did you know there are absolutely FREE classes from prestigious online universities sand colleges where you can get a full and complete education sans the degree? Probably the best place to get a free online education is the MIT website. Not too long ago, MIT did something radical for the time. They put their class material online--ALL of it. Now, anyone can take any MIT class over the Internet. You can read the textbooks, listen to the lectures and even do all of the homework assignments! You cannot get the diploma, however for free from MIT, but everything else is available to you! But, although you cannot technically get the diploma, you can take online courses for college credit for free if you know how. Check the link and learn how.

These online classes have many advantages. Today you can take the classroom with you, so you can get an advanced education anywhere on the planet with a laptop or iPad. You can download podcasts at iTune from any major university such as Berkley, Duke, MIT and Stanford.

Free online college courses are a great way to check out any particular area of study. Why pay for a college course when you're not really sure if it's an area you are really interested in? Today you don't have to waste your time and money on such things. The best thing about these classes is that YOU control your schedule. You can devote as much or as little time to them as possible.

Beyond that, these online classes provide an excellent opportunity for you to are a great way to check out possible career choices. If you find something that interests you, you can easily enroll in an online college course, or even a traditional school. Ifg you're unsure about what you want, there is probably no better way to decide on a future career.

Today, all quality Many online colleges worth "attending" are accredited and permit their allow students to apply credits earned at other colleges toward their degree. You can eve turn prior work experience towards college credit in many cases. This involves taking a test to demonstrate the knowledge gained from life experience.

Online college classes offer great possibilities to today's student. FREE online college classes allow you may added options. If you think you may have an interest in a particular area, consider taking a few free online classes to see if that career choice is for you!